How is Fuel handled and charged?
All boats leave the dock with a full tank of fuel. When you return to the marina, staff will refuel the boat and the gallons used will go on your account to be charged monthly. You will never need to refuel the boat yourself
How Many Reservations can i have?
You may hold 3 advanced reservations at a time up to 90-days in advance. As there is no limit on how many times you may boat in a month, you may book a new reservation right as you are pulling away from the dock.
Do members need insurance?
As members, you are covered under the clubs policy. You, the boat, and your guests will all have coverage while underway
All day reservations allow usage of the boat from 9AM-5PM. Use of boat for sunset is limited to Captain Services only.
what is my range from the club?
Boats have a limit of 9 Miles due West from the shoreline. We do allow our boats as far South as Marco Island and as far North as Boca Grande Pass.
can non-members rent your boats?
No, our fleet is privately for club members only.